
The Word of God  — reading it, studying it, and applying it — is fundamental to the Christian life and spiritual growth.  I created The Bible Study Site in the hopes of building an all-in-one hub for Bible Study resources, where the content can be relied upon to be generally sound.

Wishy-washy, “feel-good” evangelicalism may sell, but the only thing that stands the test of time is the Truth — unapologetic and unfiltered.

(I’m imperfect, so I expect the results to be imperfect, but that is the goal.)

The perspective of this site is that of historical Protestant Christianity.  I uphold the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed, and am in substantial, ‘though not perfect, agreement with the major Reformed confessions.

I don’t believe in limiting reading to only those authors with whom I agree, so expect linked resources to vary in their denominational persuasion.  However, to the best of my ability, I will avoid linking to resources which are unsound in the fundamentals of Christianity or which, in my estimation, have substantial issues that affect the overall work.

I am only one person, so I have a limited capacity to respond to inquiries or feedback, but you can contact me by email:

theBibleStudySiteOwner at gmail dot com


I’m not interested in making this about me, because that’s not the point, but if you really want to know more about me, you can find me at my other blogs, Titus 2 Homemaker and Naturally, Holistically Healthy.

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